
Pneumatic actuators, often referred to as pneumatic cylinders or pneumatic drives, are the products used to provide motion and force to industrial automation applications. Great oriental trading offers one of the industry’s most comprehensive ranges of both single acting cylinders and double acting cylinders and their corresponding accessories. Correct air preparation is essential for optimum performance of your compressed air system. Great oriental trading Co.,Ltd offer the high quality in the FRL arena, where our ranges have been at the forefront of industry for many year Pneumatic tubing Our range of tubing covers every conceivable task. Regardless of whether standard requirements or extreme conditions such as heat, welding spatter, high pH values or resistance to hydrolysis are called for. Here you will find the right tube for every industry. Fittings There is also a fitting for every tube. From pure plastic fittings to stainless steel fittings, you will find the optimum fitting for your applications here.

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